Personalized Wedding Vows
Order Your Personalized Wedding Ceremony
A personalized wedding ceremony can be ordered to add meaningful touches to your ceremony. Some couples like to make the wedding ceremony personal to their own story and background.
Often a personalized wedding ceremony is requested by an interfaith couple; such as Jewish and Christian blended ceremony. Or any couple that would like to add touches to a religious ceremony or a spiriual ceremony.
A personalized wedding ceremony can reflect a religious ceremony, an interfaith ceremony, or any tone, you may desire. The ceremony will be personalized around your wishes.
For example, a ceremony, may reflect your religious background with a spiritual tone, include “I Do” and “I Will” wedding vows, rather than repeating wedding vows after me, along with your own personal vows, a ring exchange, handrite, a group pronouncement, and perhaps a poem reading. To mention a few ways in which a wedding ceremony can be personalized.
Wedding Ceremony Outline
Wedding Ceremony Outline: Welcoming Guests ~ Remarks to Couple ~ Initial Remarks ~ Readings ~ Personal Vows ~ Wedding Vows ~ Ring Vows ~ Union Rite ~ Blessing ~ Pronouncement
Personalized Wedding Ceremony Design Session
We will engage in a three-way call to review your desires for your ceremony. Once I write your personailzed wedding ceremony it will arrive via e-mail for your review and simple edits.
The goal is to have a ceremony that reflects the two of you and conveys what you want to vow to each other. You will receive the first draft of your wedding ceremony for review. The fee includes simple edits being made.
Changes are due two weeks before your wedding. As your professional, I have final edit as I will be the person speaking the ceremony. All changes need to be completed in advance and are not available at the last-minute.
Templates may be used. I have been writing ceremonies since 1977 and there are many ceremonies to take ideas from. My service provides a personalized ceremony as a whole; each word is not individually created unique to each ceremony.
Order your personalized wedding ceremony here:
Personalized Wedding Ceremony by Wedding Officiant Ema Drouillard
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