Sharing Your Personal Story
Sharing Your Personal Love Story
Sometimes couples what to share their history or unique love story as part of their wedding ceremony. Most often the minister will read their words for them and sometimes either the groom or the bride will do so. It’s really sweet to have them both be involved in some way, whether that is in the writing or the reading of their story.
Would you like to share your story? If you decide yes, the next decision is to decide whom will be reading it and then you can begin to draft your words.
Here are some idea’s to help you begin to write your personal story. It can be short and sweet or have some length to it. It’s your story, your way.
- What was the first thing you noticed about her/him?
- How do you share fun?
- What’s the most romantic moment, so far?
- When did you realize you were in love?
- What is the craziest experience you’ve shared?
- When did you know you wanted to marry her/him?
The First Time
Your first kiss, your first glance, your first trip. Any of these are a great way to begin. You could also have a family member write a third-party point of view of your love story and have them read it during your wedding ceremony. I have seen a groom use the words to song, a bride use a poem and a few use humor and fun. What’s your way to share your story?
An Example
They come to this place with their own full and rewarding lives that include many joys, hardships and experiences. Bob brings his distinguished and successful career, his intelligence and his love for his two sons, family and a calming sense of humor and wit. Alice brings her successful career, leadership, elegance, panache and joy of life intertwined with her kindness, cleverness, humility and a spontaneous and contagious ability to laugh.
Today is a milestone for Bob & Alice who have found each other and made each other’s life fuller. There is a bit of magic here today when one thinks of what it took to bring them to this place, to this moment. Call it fate, sheer luck, the keystrokes of a computer, or just something divine.
A rare opportunity to experience that special spark that happens when two people realize that they have found the one person they wish to love and share themselves with for a lifetime.Like hitting that “hole in one.” This is why we are all here today, it is in this moment that we affirm and rejoice in the knowledge that two people can make this commitment to be each other. A relationship of reassurance and joy. There is a certain beauty in finding that one person.The grace of sharing life’s simple moments.
The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
Did you share your personal love story in your wedding ceremony? How would you begin to tell you story? Share your comments below.
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